[ANN]Everest Coin - Cryptocurrency Consulting Platform
English Version
Crypto Consulting Made Easy
The Everest Crypto Consulting platform will be a website where crypto experts can advertise and sell their time and skills
to train potential customers. Our teams goal is to supply everyone with the wealth of knowledge usually held close by the
crypto elite.
Estimated Block Time: 1 Minute
Total PoW Coins: 30,000 + Premine (for premine and bounty)
Ports 44446-p2p /44447-rpc
Coin Maturity, 15 Confirmations
Stake Maturity, 16 Confirmations
Reward Structure
Blocks APR Days
0 – 14400 10% 10
14401 – 36000 5000% 15
36001 – 57600 4000% 15
57601 – 93600 3000% 25
93601 – 165600 2000% 50
165601 – 309600 1000% 100
309600-End Lottery Structure
Lottery Structure
If the block number is a multiple of 100: The stake will receive a 2000% APR on that block. If it does not meet
the previous conditions and the block number is a multiple of 25: The stake will receive a 1000% APR on that block.
If it still does not meet the previous conditions and the block number is a multiple of 10: The stake will receive a
500% APR on that block. Finally, If the block does not meet any of these conditions the payout is 250% APR on that block.
Official Website
Official Discord
Everest Roadmap
Exchange listing
Project dedicated explorer
Update Website
Marketing campaign to get more attention
Paper Wallet
Setup more bounties and airdrop
More Exchanges
Start work on the consulting platform
Private Sale
The Private sale will begin on April 7th at 10 AM ET and will end 30 days later.
Each coin will be priced at 12,500 satoshi starting with 30% bonus coins to early buyers.
For each day that we get closer to the end of the private-sale the bonus coin % will go down by 1.
Day 1 - 30%
Day 2 - 29%
Day 3 - 28%
The day will be considered over at 12pm ET https://time.is/ET any orders requests after this time will receive the next day bonus %
There will be a limited supply of 1,000,000 coins to be sold.
All coins will be released at the end of the private sale date or when all coins are sold.
Any coins that are unsold at the end of the private-sale will be burned.
Coin Bounties
Youtube review bounties: 100 Everest Coin (500 sum minimum, Limit 1)
Reddit bounties: 5 Everest Coin per post (limit 1)
Twitter retweet: 5 Everest Coin per post (per 500 followers, Limit 5)
Twitter post: 10 Everest Coin per post (per 500 followers, Limit 5)
Facebook bounties: 5 Everest Coin per post (proof of 50 shares, Limit 5)
Instagram bounties: 10 Everest Coin per post (proof of 100 likes, Limit 5)
Note: Bounties will be recorded and released at the end of the presale with the rest of the coins
Discord Invite Challenge
Winners will be determined at the end of the private-sale. The top 10 people with the most invites will win the following prizes.
1st - 1400 EVEREST - $1400 value
2nd - 700 EVEREST - $700 value
3rd - 350 EVEREST - $350 value
4-5th - 175 EVEREST - $175 value
6-10th - 40 EVEREST - $40 value
Total of 3000 Everest coins will given to the winners!
Rules: Any form of cheating will not be tolerated and you will be eliminated this includes creating multiple fake accounts.
Note: Admins will not be participating so they can be ignored while looking at the referral list
Indonesian Version
Konsultasi Kripto Semakin Mudah
Platform Konsultasi Kripto Everest akan menjadi situs dimana ahli kripto dapat menyarankan dan menjual waktu dan skil mereka
untuk melatih pelanggan yang berpotensial. Tujuan tim kami adalah untuk menyuplai semua orang pengetahuan yang dipegang oleh elit kripto.
Perkiraan Waktu Blok: 1 Minute
Total PoW Koin: 30,000 + Pratambang(untuk pratambang dan bounty)
Ports 44446-p2p /44447-rpc
Coin Maturity, 15 Konfirmasi
Stake Maturity, 16 Konfirmasi
Struktur Hadiah
Blok APR Hari
0 – 14400 10% 10
14401 – 36000 5000% 15
36001 – 57600 4000% 15
57601 – 93600 3000% 25
93601 – 165600 2000% 50
165601 – 309600 1000% 100
309600-Akhir Struktur Lottery
Struktur Lottery
Jika nomor blok kelipatan 100: Stake akan mendapatkan 2000% APR di blok tersebut. Jika tidak memenuhi
persyaratan sebelumnya dan nomor blok kelipatan 25: Stake akan mendapatkan 1000% APR di blok tersebut.
Jika masih belum memenuhi persyaratan sebelumnya dan nomor blok kelipatan 10: Stake akan mendapatkan
500% APR di blok tersebut. Akhirnya, jika blok tidak memenuhi persyaratan apapun pembayaran adalah 250% APR di blok tersebut
Stius Resmi
Discord Resmi
Peta Jalan Everest
Exchange listing
Proyek khusus explorer
Pembaharuan Situs
Kampanya Marketing untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak perhatian
Dompet Kertas
Mempersiapkan lebih banyak bounty dan airdrop
More Exchanges
Memulai pekerjaan di platform konsultasi
Penjualan Pribadi
Penjualan Pribadi akan dimulai 7 April jam 10 Pagi ET dan akan berakhir 30 hari kemudian.
Setiap koin akan seharga 12.500 Satoshi dimulai dengan bonus 30% untuk pembeli pertama.
Untuk setiap hari kami mendekat ke akhir dari penjualan pribadi bonus koin akan turun 1%.
Hari 1 - 30%
Hari 2 - 29%
Hari 3 - 28%
Hari akan dianggap jika lebih dari 12pm ET https://time.is/ET setiap permintaan oder setelah waktu ini akan menerima bonus hari berikutnya %
Akan ada batasan suplai 1,000,000 koin yang akan dijual.
Semua koin akan dirilis pada akhir dari penjualan pribadi atau ketika semua koin habis terjual.
Setiap koin yang tidak terjual pada akhir penjualan pribadi akan dibakar.
Koin Bounty
Youtube review bounties: 100 Everest Koin (minimal 500 sub, Limit 1)
Reddit bounties: 5 Everest Koin per post (limit 1)
Twitter retweet: 5 Everest Koin per post (per 500 followers, Limit 5)
Twitter post: 10 Everest Koin per post (per 500 followers, Limit 5)
Facebook bounties: 5 Everest Koin per post (proof of 50 shares, Limit 5)
Instagram bounties: 10 Everest Koin per post (proof of 100 likes, Limit 5)
Catatan: Bounties akan direkam dan dirilis pada akhir penjualan dengan sisa koin
Discord Invite Challenge
Pemenang akan ditentukan pada akhir dari penjualan pribadi. Top 10 orang dengan invite terbanyak akan memenangkan hadiah berikut.
1st - 1400 EVEREST - $1400 value
2nd - 700 EVEREST - $700 value
3rd - 350 EVEREST - $350 value
4-5th - 175 EVEREST - $175 value
6-10th - 40 EVEREST - $40 value
Total 3000 Everest koin akan dibagikan ke pemenang!
Peraturan: Kecurangan dalam bentuk apapun tidak akan di toleransi dan anda aka dieliminasi termasuk membuat banyak akun palsu.
Catatan: Admin tidak akan berpartisipasi jadi mereka dapat diabaikan ketika melihat list referral
OtherOfficial ANN
Indonesian Translation
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